- Kara Achzet
- Jane Adamson and Richard Adamson
- John Addison
- Orlando Agawin
- Ty Agens
- Suparna Agnihotri and Rahul Joshi
- Randle Akerson
- Susanna Alan
- Gloria Orozco Allan and Douglas Allan
- William Alexander and Dorothy Borresen
- Jane Albusche
- Amy Alexander
- Shawn Alfaro
- George Allen
- Frances Anamosa and Paul Anamosa
- Julie Andberg
- Helane Anderson
- Eva Anderson
- Henry Anderson III and Lois Anderson
- Teresa Anderson-Dvoracek and Frank Dvoracek
- James Angell III and Ursula McClelland
- Nicole Arbusto
- Stephen Armstrong and Rachel Michaels
- Tasheka Arceneaux-Sutton and Tory Sutton
- Kathy Archer
- Joe Arcuri
- Sara Arnold
- Nataly Arregoitia
- Anita Assaf
- Steven Avalos
- Rue Avant
- Jasmin Avina
- Eric Ayzenberg
- Ayzenberg Group, Inc.
- Shahram Azmoudeh
- Ryan Bache and Jamie Bache
- Jordan Backhus
- Dawn Baillie and Clive Baillie
- John Ballinger and Uma Nithipalan
- Eric Barber and Joy Barber
- Lisa Barr and Steve Barr
- Richard Barsky and Doreen Barsky
- Andrew Bart
- Cynthia Barton
- Edie Baskin Bronson and Richard Bronson
- Jami Bassman Ahart and Thomas Ahart
- Robert Bastian
- Kristin Bayer
- Jeffrey Beall and Lori Jean Swanson
- The Beall Family Foundation
- Anders Beer and Shumin Liang
- Jordan Beley
- Larry Bell
- Tina Bennett-Kastor
- Anne Berke and Joshua Alvizu
- Matthew Berke and Edith Berke
- Sheila Berman
- R. Bernstein and Gail Landis
- Evelyn Berry
- Yvonne Berry
- Christopher Bertrand
- Joshua Bertsche
- Barbara Bestor
- Sally Bickerton
- Brian Bieber and Kristi Bieber
- Susan Bienkowski
- Klaus Biesenbach
- Steven Bilow and Patricia Bilow
- Deborah Blanchard
- Kosta Bogoievski
- Christopher Bomba and Robbie Trombetta
- Michael Boom
- Rodney Boone
- Devin Boss
- Melissa Bouwman
- DeeAnn Bradley
- Lily Brady
- David Brisbin
- Deborah Brochstein and Steven Hecht
- Beth Brody and Edwin Brody
- Jessica Bronson
- Laurrie Brooke
- Emilie Talbot Brooks and Gordon Brooks
- Deborah Brothers and Paul Park
- Megan Broughton
- Joseph Brown
- Keith Bryant
- Michael Bryant
- Theresa Bucher and Larry Bucher
- Tracy Bulkeley
- M. Running Bear Bunch and Jill Bunch
- Gregory Burk
- Monica Buroker and Brian Buroker
- Zane Burrows
- Theodore Burtis
- Ana Bustamante
- Francesca Butler
- Judith Butler
- Robert Butler and Denise Gray
- Kaitlyn Cairo
- Kathy Cairo
- Andrea Callard
- Cynthia Calley
- Aaron Campbell and Kelly Vogt-Campbell
- Robert Campbell
- Andreas Cangellaris and Helen Cangellaris
- Riccy Carabeo
- Lance Carlson
- Larry Carnes
- Cynthia Carrillo
- David Case
- Margo Cash
- Destiny Castillo
- James Caswell and Ann Platz
- Conny Cavazos
- Cassandra Chae
- Richard Chambliss Jr.
- Claire Chandler and Tom Nixon
- Heeyeon Chang
- Charles Chapman Jr. and Susan Chapman
- Sarah Chenault
- Rita Chenoweth
- Matthew Chesse and Gillian Chesse
- Colin Chiang and Hui Fang Boo
- Rana Cho
- Pamela Chomba
- John Churchville and Jody Little-Churchville
- Mark Chung
- Christopher Church
- Dian Chute
- Diana Cioffari-MacPhee and Matthew MacPhee
- Cassandra Cisneros
- Lily Ho Chen and Chris Chen
- John Cleaveland and Julianna Rees
- Maria Clement
- Kim Cohen and Kenneth Cohen
- Jim Collette and Lanita Collette
- Kristen Coogan and Thomas Coogan
- Lucy Cook
- Erin Cooney
- Natalie Cothren
- Robin Cottle and Ron Radziner
- Susan Coulson and Chris Coulson
- James Crenshaw and Julie Crenshaw
- Rodney Crumrine and Roslyn Biskin
- Crystin Cox
- Aodhan Creegan
- Nicole Crevier
- Richard Cusick
- John D. Amico and Keith Rand
- Danielle Davis
- Linda deBaun
- Catharine Deely
- Robert DeHarrold
- Michele DeJesus
- Anthony DeMaria and Lydia DeMaria
- Bindu Desai
- Tess Deshefy-Longhi
- Vrunda Dhole
- Diane Diamond
- Jeffrey Diamond
- Tom DiLillo and Amy DiLillo
- Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University
- Donald DiPietro
- Lyle Dohl
- Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
- Randall Dottin
- Elizabeth Doyle
- Eric Drachman
- Zackary Drucker
- Aleta Drummond
- Derek Drymon and Nancy Moscatiello
- Dana Duff and Alan Berman
- Ben Duncan and Helen Duncan
- James Dunham and Deborah Dunham
- David Dunn and Karen Dunn
- Laura Duran and Mark Duran
- David Dwyer
- Jerry Eisenberg and Raymonde Eisenberg
- Esther Edber
- Lori Ekdahl
- Roger Emanuels
- Entertainment Partners
- Jane Eston
- Carol Evans
- Daniel Evans
- Dale Everett
- Diane Ewing
- David Fain and Sheila Sofian
- Madeline Falcone
- David Falk and David Williams
- Rachel Falk and Mark Falk
- Thomas Falk
- David Familian and Karen Moss
- Natalie Farrar Adams
- Michael Feibish and Julia Newton
- Marylou Ferry
- Richard Ferry and Maude Ferry
- Will Fishel
- Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei
- Lauren Fisher and Alexina Matisse
- Jessica Fleischmann
- Abra Flores and Edward Burnett
- Michael Fracassi
- Efren Franco
- Amy Frankel
- Susan Frankel
- Harmony Frederick and Jason Frederick
- Michele Freeland
- Rick Fried and Helene Wasserman Esq.
- Gisela Friedman
- Yumiko Friedman and Malcolm Friedman
- Thea Frontino
- Bhavana Gallewale
- Rosanna Gamson and Barnaby Levy
- Maria Garcia
- Rebecca Garcia
- Benjamin Garfinkle and Amy Garfinkle
- Margaret Gascoigne
- Alexandra Gavillet
- Lynn Gaza
- Alexander Gedeon
- Janie Geiser and Lewis Klahr
- Alexi Carol Gehring
- James Geocaris and Diane Geocaris
- Mielle Gerard
- Gene Gill
- Madison Girifalco
- Robert Gjerdingen and Catherine Gjerdingen
- Barbara Glauber
- James Glisson and Claudio Abbondanza
- Andrew Gold and Karen Cutler
- Paula Goldman
- Emma Goldman-Sherman
- Rebecah Goldstone
- Kelly Goldwait and Patrick Goldwait
- Amy Goldwasser
- Sanjuanita Gonzales and Emmett Doherty
- Tom Gooden and Laura Foley
- Jennifer Gordon and Scott Gordon
- The Gotham Group, LLC
- Mahesh Goyal
- Renate Graf
- Cameron Grant and Helena Grant
- Lori Grapes
- Thomas Greenberg and Rachel Greenberg
- Stefani Greenwood
- Christian Greuel and Laura Kusumoto
- Robert Griess
- Hollis Grimes
- Northrop Grumman
- Laura Gutiérrez
- Mimi Haddon
- Curt Hahn
- Steve Hamachi and Christine Hamachi
- Thomas Hammond and Tera Stone
- Vicky Hamrick
- Katherine Hanburger and Stuart Nichols
- Jay Handlin and Laura Kansky
- Julia Hardaway
- Mary Helen Harper
- Sydney Harrington
- Jason Hart
- Meg Hart and Doug Hart
- Susan Haslett
- Darlene Hasselbring
- John Hastings and Maria Hastings
- Jomo Haywood
- Kathryn Headley and Jay Headley
- Mary Beth Heffernan and Howard Rodman
- Karolyn Heimes
- Susan Hering
- Mary Herzog
- Johanna Hibbard and Michael Annus
- Wendy Hill
- Harriet Hill Orren
- Maury Hillstrom
- Karin Hoesli
- Courtney Hollander and David Hollander
- Eric Holmgren and Ellen Holmgren
- Jamie Hopkins
- Raquel Horsford
- Gregory Houle
- Isabelle Howard
- Leslie Howes
- Margaret Hunt
- Emily Ietaka and Jiro Ietaka
- Deborah Irmas
- Anna Jablonski and Alex Jablonski
- Joshua Jade
- Vivek Jaikamal
- Lekha Jandhyala
- Roman Jaster
- Charmaine Jefferson and Garrett Johnson
- Sharon Jelinsky
- Sharon Jeniye and Burl Cohen
- John Jenkins and Susan Jenkins
- Benjamin Johnson
- Margo Johnson and Chip Purrington
- Terrence Johnson
- Paige Johnson
- Fern Jones
- Maureen Jones
- Ana Jones Madrid
- Vivek Joshi
- Vishal Jugdeo
- Sunil Kadam and Shilpa Kadam
- Kadenze, Inc.
- Kerstin Kaiser
- Doron Kamara and Nicole Kamara
- Edith Kaplan
- Jeanne Marie Kaplan and Peter Kaplan
- Alyce Kaprow
- David Karwan
- Anna Karydas
- Joci Kelleher
- Matthew Kelly
- James Kent and Migdalia Cruz
- Michelle Kern
- Maurya Kerr
- Cheryl Kershaw and Terral Kershaw
- Diane Ketelle
- Anish Khanzode and Deepali Khanzode
- Amanda Kik and Brad Kik
- Tomi Kilgore
- Mimi Kim
- Somi Kim
- John King
- Mark Kirkland and Letty Kirkland
- Ira Klein
- Phyllis Klein
- Paige Knight
- Amy Knoles
- David Koehler
- Geoffery Krafft and Alicia Hofler
- Carol Krause
- Mugdha Kulkarni and Chaitanya Godsay
- Sally Kurnick
- Mike Kutcher and Debra Flores
- Victoria Lam
- Jack Lamb and Moira McCarty-Lamb
- Kerry Lamperts
- Sally Lapiduss and Francesca Bartoccini
- Lada Beara Lasic and Zoran Lasic
- Jonathan Lasker
- Elisabeth Lassanyi
- Georgia Lassner
- Camellia Latta and Lutz Latta
- Jesse Lattig and Reem Baroody
- William Lebeda and Christine Ferriter
- Sharon Le Duy and Christophe Le Duy
- David Lee
- Thomas Lee and Colleen Lee
- Caroline Leech and Perryn Leech
- Amber Lepley
- Johanna Lerner
- Charles Levin
- Robert Levine and Gili Meerovitch
- Stanley Levine
- Debbie Lewis and Mark Lewis
- Cal Liedtke
- Catherine Lightfoot
- Ben Lipitz and Rosalie Lipitz
- Laura London
- Frank Long and Francesca Pique
- Michelle Longosz and Matt Hammer
- Thea Lorentzen
- George Lugg and Marc Arrañaga
- Amanda Lui and Soonsol Hong
- Peter Lunenfeld and Susan Kandel
- Carole Lung-Bazile
- Aliana Lungo-Shapiro and Stephan Shapiro
- Donald Lyman and Elisabeth Lyman
- Kathan Lynch
- Lisa Lyons
- Cheryl MacPhee
- Sarah Macy
- Kiffen Madden-Lunsford
- John Malpede and Henriette Brouwers
- Mischa Mandel-Giegerich and Lauren Rille
- Michael Mandiberg
- Thomas Manjooran and Susan Baik
- Salvatore Mannino
- Steven Margolis and Joanne Seltzer
- Victoria Marks and Daniel Froot
- Babette Markus-Weir and Jack Weir
- Denman Maroney and Erin Maroney
- Armando Martinez-Celis and Brooke Irish
- Daniela Marx
- Susan Matsumoto and Mel Kennedy
- William Maxfield and Susan Maxfield
- Jeanette May
- J. Peter May and Maija May
- James Mayagoitia
- Mark Maynard
- Martin McCarthy
- Kathleen McCauley
- Cady McClain
- Sara McDowell
- Kathleen McHugh
- Megan McLemore
- Elisabeth McMullin
- Medical Centre Occupational Health Rijeka
- Juanita Medina
- Myron Meisel and Carol Bahoric
- David Meltzer and Beth Meltzer
- Glen Meredith and Joanne Valli-Meredith
- Jeffrey Mertz
- Sarah Mgeni
- James Michel and Vinnett Michel
- Microsoft Corporation
- Jeanne Milazzo
- Kyle Militzer
- C. Miller and Nathalie Miller
- Tyrus Miller and Deanna Shemek
- Ying Ming Tu and Angela Oh
- Kristie Minke
- Carolina Miranda
- Jan Mitsumori
- Riko Mizuno
- Olivia Mole and David James
- Morgan Monahan
- Stephen Moore
- Christopher Morabito
- Marissa Moreno and Jeffrey Moreno
- Selena Moshell
- Moss Family Foundation
- James Mowry and Lisa Dittbenner
- Eve Mueller
- N. Silas Munro and Bill Hildebrand
- Colleen Murakami
- Anita Nagler and Robert Moyer
- Phillip Nails
- Brian Nassau
- National Conference on Citizenship
- National Film Preservation Foundation
- National Performance Network
- Dorothy Navarro
- Asheley Needleman
- Denise Nelson and Roy Nelson
- Catherine Nesci
- Robert Newman and Nicola Kaftan-Newman
- Kali Nikitas and Richard Shelton
- Herbert Nishii and Teri Nishii
- Lurene Noland
- Susan North
- Jill Nutting
- Kenneth Oberlander
- Naoyuki Oguri and Roxanne Steinberg Oguri
- David Olson
- Olga Oreshkina
- Timothy O. Sullivan and Pam O. Sullivan
- Paul Outlaw and Ray Busmann
- Devin Overman
- Marc Pally and Jacquelyn McCroskey
- Alan Palmiter and Fabiola Bojanini
- Mallika Pangrekar
- Andrea Paradise and Jeffrey Paradise
- Jane Park
- Laura Parker and Branislav Kecman
- Cynthia Paskos
- Jan Paulshus
- Nicole Pearce
- Cohen Peart and Jamie Bendrick-Peart
- Maryl Jo Peltzie and Bernard Peltzie
- Constance Penley
- Tracy Pennoyer
- Francesca Penzani
- Cuauhtemoc Peranda
- Dennis Perluss
- Marchele Peterec
- Bruce Piner and Andrea Piner
- Robert Podesta and Lesley Podesta
- Timothy Popejoy
- Lionel Popkin and Alex Purves
- Osman Posada
- Joseph Potts
- Travis Preston and Marissa Chibas-Preston
- Janice Prezzato
- Thomas Prince and Charlene Reichert
- Miriam Prum Hess and Mark Hess
- Francis Quinn and Nicole Claro
- Estate of Winifred Williams Rabbitt
- Dan Rankin
- Alan Rapoport and Tess Chappuis
- Daniela Rechtszajd
- Mary Beth Reed
- Michael Reese
- Kenneth Reinhard
- Randy Reyes
- Rosina Reynolds
- Melinda Rice
- Jonathan Richter and Elise Richter
- Jessica Ringle
- Isabel Rippy
- Juan Rivera
- Curtis Roads
- Aron Roberts
- Sara Roberts and Palle Henckel
- John Robinson
- Julia Rosenfeld
- Lynn Rosenfeld and Edward Rosenfeld
- Adam Rosenkranz
- Sue Rosenstock
- Leigh Roush and Edmund Roush
- Nicole Taylor Rowe
- Aviva Rubin
- Jennifer Rubinoff and Brian Rubinoff
- Eric Rudnick
- Malia Rudoi and David Rudoi
- Edward Ruscha IV and Danna Ruscha
- James Ruscica and Lisa Ruscica
- Douglas Rushkoff and Barbara Rushkoff
- Morgan Rusler and Lynda D. Angelo
- Judi Russell and Lies Kraal
- James Sadd and Roberta Pollock
- Fill Marc Sagadraca
- Abigail Salling
- Myrna Saltzberg
- Louise Sandhaus
- Jitendra Sandhe and Mita Sandhe
- Marlin Sandlin
- Tanaporn Sangmanee
- Ria Sardana
- Barbara Sattler and Alfred Sattler
- Shirley Savarino
- Patricia Sazani
- Paul Schierenberg
- Lindsey Schiff-Abrams and Gregg Sultan
- Karen Schiller
- Jerome Schmelzer and Sharon Schmelzer
- Esther Schor
- Samuel Schwartz and Shanit Schwartz
- Anthony Scudese
- Mark Seiden
- Josh Selzer
- Todd Semla and Susan Semla
- Sempra Energy
- Suneet Sethi
- Matthew Severson
- Arthur Shapiro and Carolann Shapiro
- Diane Shaw
- Mary Shebell
- Edward Shils
- Samuel Shin
- Lillian Shine
- Asya Shklyar
- Katherine Shook and Thomas Watkins
- Preetesh Shrivastava
- Rosemary Siciliano
- Suzanne Siegel
- Susan Silton
- Nicolas Simonin
- Julie Simonsen
- Six Point Harness, Inc.
- Skydance Media, LLC
- Christopher Smith
- Barbara Smith
- Jesse Smith and Souraya Smith
- Sarah Smith
- Wesley Smith and Lisa Smith
- James Snodgrass and Pamela Snodgrass
- Michael Snow and Elizabeth Lemons
- Donald Snowden
- Haruka Sometani
- Amy Soo
- James Sperber and Corey Hajim
- Edda Spielmann
- Cameron Squire
- Robert Stadd and Rachel Hobreigh
- John Stahl and Darsi St. Louis
- Judy Stahl
- David Starkopf
- Hollace Starr
- Valerie St. John and Scott Starbird
- Saida Staudenmaier and Eric Staudenmaier
- Steelcase Foundation
- Morleigh Steinberg and David Evans
- Mary Stevens
- Mary Stewart
- Ronald Stewart and Erma Stewart
- Dale Stieber and Theodore Levy
- William Stout
- Gwen Strong
- Patricia Sultan and Randall Sultan
- Jeff Summers
- Jadine Surette
- Nicholas Sweet and Vanessa Sweet
- Steve Swift
- Ibolya Szuromi
- Nancy Takiguchi
- Erica Tanov and Steven Emerson
- Helena Tanttuknapp
- Vivien Tartter
- Shalynn Taylor and Dale Taylor
- Ann Telnaes
- Anne Terrail
- Carol Teutsch
- Barbara Thorngren
- Tic Toc Studios, Inc.
- Hideaki Tokunaga and Carrie Tokunaga
- Narumi Tokunaga and Hoei Tokunaga
- Luis Torres-Marrero and Johana Garcia
- Terri Treloggen-Clark
- Jerome Treiman and Nina Treiman
- Danel Trisi and Naomi Sorkin
- Vincent Tula
- Stanley Tusan and Barbara Tusan
- TVPaint Developpement
- James Tysell
- Doug Upshaw
- Nancy Uscher and William Barrett
- Mark Valdez
- Andrea Van de Kamp
- Joseph VandenBussche and Rene Guerrero
- Kirsten Vangsness
- Rebecca VanVoorhis
- Jack Vees and Elizabeth Van Cleve
- Preeti Vellore and Janardhan Vellore
- Idara Victor
- Estela Victoria
- Todd VonBastiaans
- Vineet Vyas
- Dinora W.
- Evan Waddell
- James Walley and Dominique Ferate
- Madeline Walsh
- James Walters and Cheryl Walters
- Jian Wang and Nan Weng
- Xiaoqing Wang
- Sally Weber
- Shelly Welcome
- Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program
- Robert Wemischner and Leslie Raffel
- David Wendt and Carrie Wendt
- Katrina Werner and Jason Tokunaga
- Howard Wershil
- Stephen West
- City of West Hollywood
- William Whalen and Kathy Whalen
- Laurie Whitcomb
- Glynis Whiting
- Pam Whitman
- Michael Wiese and Margaret Hennessey
- Paul Wieselmann
- Lorraine Wild and John Kaliski
- Corinne Williams
- Denita Willoughby and Anthony Willoughby
- Tanya Wilson
- Edwin Woll
- Barbara Wolken and James Wolken
- Tai-Ling Wong
- Ximón Wood
- Nathan Woolard
- Chris Worland
- Bruce Wright
- Gavin Wynn
- Christina Wyss-Coray
- Heather Yarris-Price
- Mary Yoder and John Ruppenthal
- Amy Young
- Mary Yoder and John Ruppenthal
- Susan Zare and Richard Zare
- Janice Zimmerman
- Fortune Zuckerman