From the President

Ravi Rajan
President of CalArts
Center the Educational Experience
The distinctive, multidisciplinary arts education that CalArts offers is transformational in a variety of ways. Below are just a few of the examples of how our community of artists has exemplified this quality over the past year.
Enrollment by School (Fall 2022)
No Data Found
Enrollment (Fall 2022)
Total Enrollment
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
Graduation Rate
Fall 2015 First-Time Freshmen
(Graduating by June 30, 2022)
Retention Rate
Fall 2021 First-Time Freshmen Enrolling in Fall 2022

Total Faculty

Full-Time Faculty
Part-Time Faculty

Student-Faculty Ratio

Total Faculty
Full-Time Faculty

Part-Time Faculty
Student-Faculty Ratio

Key Positions
Here are a few of the talented individuals who have joined our community recently to help ensure that we are centering the education experience for our students. We also welcomed 27 new regular faculty members for our 2022-23 academic year.
Remove Barriers to Access
A critical component of CalArts’ mission is to expand our impact by broadening access and enabling more students and others to benefit from our unique educational experience. Here are some of the ways that we have done this over the past year.
Financial Assistance
Total amount of scholarship aid awarded in FY22
The number of institutional, endowed, and annually funded scholarships offered to students during 2021-22 academic year
Acceptance Rate
Graduate Students
Student Demographics
Percentage of international students, from 63 countries
Key Positions
Here are a few of the talented individuals who have joined our community recently to help ensure that we are removing barriers to access CalArts.
Prepare for and Shape our Sustainable Future
In order to be successful for generations to come, CalArts must ensure its long-term strength and vitality. To that end, here are some of the ways we are ensuring the Institute’s sustainability.
Budget & Endowment
Endowment (As of June 30, 2022)
Gross Operating Budget for FY22
Funds Raised
Tuition and Fees as a Percentage of Revenue
Key Positions
Here are a few of the talented individuals who have joined our community recently to help ensure that we are building a sustainable future for the Institute:
Interact With Us

Our Supporters
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Shakir Abal and Sharon Margolis
Kara Achzet
Dr. Jane Adamson and Richard Adamson
John Addison
David Adler
Randle Akerson
Amy Alexander
Allan Sekula Studio LLC
Robert Allen and Rachel Allen
Herb Alpert and Lani Hall Alpert
Frances Anamosa and Paul Anamosa
Julie Andberg
Henry Anderson III and Lois Anderson
Kate Anderson
Teresa Anderson-Dvoracek and Frank Dvoracek
Lynn Angebranndt
Angeles Investment Advisors, LLC
The Animation Guild
Mahedi Anjuman
Hayley Anton
Anais Arias-Aragon
Apple Incorporated
Stephen Armstrong and Rachel Michaels
Diana Arterian
Arts, Equity, & Education Fund
Hristo Atanasov
Steven Avalos
Joseph Ayala
Stanley Ayeroff and Leslie Lashinsky
Eusebio Aynaga
Alta Ellis Babino
Ryan Bache and Jamie Bache
Dave Bailey
Dawn Baillie and Clive Baillie
Ai Ball and Bradford Craig
Matthew Bamberg-Johnson and Genevieve Gearhart
Dan Barham
Lisa Barr and Steve Barr
Richard Barsky and Doreen Barsky
Cynthia Barton
Kathy Baskin
Louis Baskin
Robert Bastian
Ambassador Frank Baxter and Kathrine Baxter
Jeffrey Beall and Lori Jean Swanson
The Beall Family Foundation
Timur Bekbosunov and Sandra Powers
Dr. Rosamaria Belli
Timothy Belonax
Sofia Benitez Villanueva
Bento Box Entertainment, LLC
Matthew Berke and Edith Berke
Luda Bernatavichene
Kenneth Bernisky
R. Bernstein and Gail Landis
Charles Berry
David Berry and Kamala Geroux-Berry
Maxine Berzok
Austin Beutner and Virginia Beutner
Brian Bieber and Kristi Bieber
Susan Bienkowski
Steven Bilow and Patricia Bilow
Marshall Black and Kathyrn Black
Steven Blindauer and Carol Blindauer
Ernest Bobb and Deborah Bobb
Michael Boom
David A. Bossert and Nancy Levey-Bossert
Adam Boucher
Sara Bowyer and Rohan Ocean
David Brain and Kathleen Brain
Jonathan Braun
Bernard Briskin and Judith Briskin
Byron Brizuela and Cecilia Brizuela
Deborah Brochstein and Steven Hecht
Bryan Brown
Louise Bryson and John Bryson
Alex Buck
Cory Buckner
L Buisson
Tracy Bulkeley
Daren Burns and Misuzu Kitazumi Burns
Monica Buroker and Brian Buroker
David Bussan
Nao Bustamante
Rayna Buxton
California Arts Council
Jeanine Caltagirone and Dr. Leslie Jacobson
Andreas Cangellaris and Helen Cangellaris
Danie Cansino
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Joana Cardozo
Dr. Ronald Carn
John Casbarian
Mary Casey
Cause Communications
Vidushi Chadha
Cassandra Chae
Sara Chambless
Audrey Chan
Kuo Chang and Helen Chang
Don Cheadle and Bridgid Coulter
Lily Ho Chen and Chris Chen
Gang Cheng and Minfang Shi
Stella Cheung and Kevork Cholakian
Colin Chiang and Hui Fang Boo
Xin Chiao and Lily Chiao
Shaharoh Chism
Soyun Cho
Neha Choksi and Claire Baker
Zirwat Chowdhury
Chromosphere LA
Mark Chung
John Churchville and Jody Little-Churchville
Diana Cioffari-MacPhee and Matthew MacPhee
Evgenia Citkowitz-Sands
Lisa Cleri Reale
Wyatt Closs
Melissa Cobb and Kory Berg
Danielle Colburn
Jim Collette and Lanita Collette
Patrick Collins and Angela Collins
Gary Conrad
Devin Conroy
Thomas Cooke
Georgi Coquereau and Takeshi Kimi
Lucia Cordero
Lydia Cornell
Comcast Corporation
Cotsen Foundation for the Art of Teaching
Robin Cottle and Ron Radziner
Juliet Cramer
Meg Cranston
Clarissa Crawford
Dr. James Crenshaw and Julie Crenshaw
Caroline Cronson and Paul Cronson
Edward Cunningham
Rohan Cutlip
John D’Amico and Keith Rand
David Kordansky Gallery
William Davis and Ellen Gagne
Reginald Davis and Marilyn Davis
Ruby Davis
Meiver De la Cruz
Catharine Deely
Michele DeJesus
Anthony DeMaria and Lydia DeMaria
Paul Demeyer
Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles
Anthony D’Eredita
Denise DeRossett and Rodney Crother
Matthew DeStefano
Michael Detto and Susanne Detto
Rose Devine and Mark Devine
Kyle Devorroh
Tamra Dickerson and Donald Dickerson
William Dicks and Susan Dicks
Roy P. Disney and Sheri Keller
Timothy Disney
Peter Docter and Amanda Docter
Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Jonathan Dolgen and Susan Dolgen
Laura Donnelley
Daunita Douglas
Joe Downes and Lisa Downes
David Downs and June Downs
Ross Doyle
Eric Drachman
Melissa Draper and Timothy Draper
The Draper Foundation
James Drobka
Victoria Drucker
Dr. Aleta Drummond and Richard Cole
Ilana Drummond and Sharon Dulberg
Dana Duff and Alan Berman
Arwen Duffy and Sean Duffy
James Dunham and Deborah Dunham
Annette Dunkelman
David Dunn and Karen Dunn
Paul DuPratt and Anita DuPratt
Jasna Duran Gara
Robin Eatman
Thomas Echaniz and Julie Echaniz
Cathey Edwards and Joseph Perrault
Stephen Ellison
Jane Eston
Migel Eungenio Luis Dino
The Evelyn Sharp Foundation
Madeline Falcone
Rachel Falk and Mark Falk
David Familian and Karen Moss
Natalie Farrar Adams
Feature ATG
Chuck Feesago
Sidney Felsen and Joni Weyl
Marylou Ferry
Richard Ferry
David Fisher and Marianna Fisher
Lauren Fisher and Alexina Matisse
Jessica Fleischmann
Chris Fleischner and Dawn Fleischner
Abra Flores and Edward Burnett
Amy Formella and Brian Formella
The Fran and Ray Stark Foundation
Frederator Studios
Harmony Frederick and Jason Frederick
Lane Fricke
Rick Fried and Helene Wasserman Esq.
Alice Fries
Jose Gabriel Noguez Ibarra
Louis Gadal and Lynn Gadal
Alexander Gaines
Charles Gaines and Roxana Landaverde
Noah Gans-Pfister and Francesca Gans-Pfister
Olga Garay-English
Luis Garcia
Michael Garcia
Rebecca Garcia
Rodrigo Garcia and Adriana Sheinbaum
Cory Garfin
Tina Garfinkel and David Garfinkel
Benjamin Garfinkle and Amy Garfinkle
Leeanne G-Bowley
Catherine Geanuracos
Alexi Carol Gehring
James Geocaris and Diane Geocaris
Gloria Gerace
Fariba Ghaffari
Jeffrey Gifford and Linda Betcher
Gilbane Building Company
Adrienne Glasser
Bradley Glenn
Stephen Godina
Andrew Gold and Karen Cutler
Kelly Goldwait and Patrick Goldwait
Sanjuanita Gonzales and Emmett Doherty
Patricia Gonzalez
Good Works Foundation
Tom Gooden and Laura Foley
Google, Inc.
Benjamin Gordon
Marvin Gordy III and Cynthia Gordy
Leslie Goss
The Gotham Group, LLC
Dr. Eva Graham
Nancy Grahn
Ken Graning and Judy Graning
Cameron Grant and Helena Grant
Todd Gray and Kyungmi Shin
Greater Horizons
Richard Green and Caroline Green
Julie Green
Elizabeth Greenberg
The Greenberg Foundation
Jonathan Greene
Joy Gregory and Denis Lenoir
Alice Grigsby
Northrop Grumman
Curt Hahn
Donald Hall and Janet Hall
Dr. Chad Hamill and Elizabeth Hamill
Justin Hamm
Thomas Hammond and Tera Stone
Vicky Hamrick
Jay Handlin and Laura Kansky
Harold W. Grieve Charitable Trust
Theresa Harper Bruno Inc.
Meg Hart and Doug Hart
James Hart and Tina Panella-Hart
Marshall Harvey and Annie Harvey
Amy Hase
Phil Hay and Karyn Kusama
Kathryn Headley and Jay Headley
Mary Beth Heffernan and Howard Rodman
Karolyn Heimes
Richard Helfman and Leanne Helfman
Paul Hemstreet and Jeudi Brealey
The Herb Alpert Foundation
James Hildebrandt and Marilynn Hildebrandt
Harriet Hill Orren
Maury Hillstrom
Asuka Hisa
Karin Hoesli
Courtney Hollander and David Hollander
John Hollingsworth and Charlene Hollingsworth
Hollywood Foreign Press Association
Marcia Huberman
Titia Hulst and Paul Francis
Margaret Hunt
Illumination Entertainment
Jeffrey Ingram
Brenna Ivanhoe
Jason Jacobs and Marcy Jacobs
Joshua Jade
Roman Jaster
Charmaine Jefferson and Garrett Johnson
John Jenkins and Susan Jenkins
John C. Hench Foundation
Calvin Johnson and Vera Johnson
David Johnson and Suzanne Johnson
Jonathan L. Greene Foundation
Frank Jones Jr. and Megan Maloney
Fern Jones
Susan Jones
Richard Jorgensen
Kevin Joyce
Kadenze, Inc.
Jeanne Marie Kaplan and Peter Kaplan
Alyce Kaprow
Allison Keating
Jeremy Keller
Steven Kelley
Craig Kellman
David Kelting
Gail Kennard
Ian Kennedy and Michele Kennedy
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation
Maurya Kerr
Demetrio Kerrison and Gianna Drake-Kerrison
Betty Ketelle
Dr. Diane Ketelle
Elizabeth Ketelle and David Publicover
Michael Keusch and Deborah Tilton
Isha Khanzode
Mary Kiefer and Richard Benzing
Amanda Kik and Brad Kik
Elena Kittelson
Sharon Klein
Harvey Knell and Dr. Ellen Knell
Mary Ann Knox
Virginia Koh and Harry Lim
David Kordansky and Mindy Shapero
Dr. Geoffery Krafft and Alicia Hofler
Robert Krase
Ronald Krasnow and Ellen Krasnow
Shawn Krause and Fiona Sarn
Golden Krishna
Victoria Lam
Kerry Lamperts
John Lange
Volker Langhoff
Joseph Lanzisero and Monika Gerber-Lanzisero
Gary Larson and Maria Larson
Jonathan Lasker
Holly Laubach
Harry Le Grande
Thomas Lee and Colleen Lee
Thomas Leeser and Alison Saar
Sandra Lee-Sung and Ross Sung
Linda Lembeck
Christine Leneghan and Patrick Leneghan
Pablo Leñero Archer
Robert Leventer and Jenna Blaustein
Charles Levin
Diane Levine
Randi Levine
Robert Levine and Gili Meerovitch
Stanley Levine
Debbie Lewis and Mark Lewis
Keith Lewis and Sherri Lee-Lewis
Madeleine Liebert
Cal Liedtke
Myung-Hwan Lim
Gary Lindner and Laurel Lindner
Dana Lintz
Thomas Lloyd
Karen Lofgren
Laura London
Frank Long and Francesca Pique
Michelle Longosz and Matt Hammer
Leticia Lopez
Thea Lorentzen
Robert Lovelace and Alicia Lovelace
Lucky Luke Brewing
Christine Luu
Richard Lyman
Kathan Lynch
Jamie Alter Lynton and Michael Lynton
Cathleen Lyons
Lily Maase
Magic Machine
Sarah Macy
Vickie Magallanes
Gary Mairs and Kathleen Logue
Meyer Malka and Becky Kleiner
Elana Mann and Jean-Paul Leonard
Salvatore Mannino
Marian Goodman Gallery
Michael Marks and Lorraine Dudzik
Denman Maroney and Erin Maroney
Chebon Marshall and Erica Marshall
Maurice Montoya Music Agency
William Maxfield
Mark Maynard
Andrea McCall
Brenda McCane Harrell
Kathleen McCauley
Mark McCray
Sara McDowell
Diane McKain
Gerald McKinnon
Elisabeth McMullin
Gregory McWilliams and Tracy McWilliams
Perry Meigs
Douglas Melini
Sarah Melnick and Dr. Jeffrey Melnick
Dr. David Meltzer and Dr. Beth Meltzer
Glen Meredith and Joanne Valli-Meredith
Marie Mesidor
Jin Mi Son and Marcus Richeson
Alexandra Miks
Kyle Militzer
Donna Saul Millen and Stephen Millen
Walter Miller
Sandra Miller and Joel Miller
Carolina Miranda
Maryamalsadat Mirbagherifiroozabad
Jan Mitsumori
Riko Mizuno
Karen Molleson and Lowell Hill
Morgan Monahan
Haeyong Moon
Stephen Moore
Christopher Morabito
Lansing Moran
James Morphesis
Kathleen Morris
Moss Family Foundation
Ishika Muchhal
Harold Mulanix
Shayne Myrbeck
Brian Nassau
National Endowment for the Arts
National Film Preservation Foundation
National Performance Network
Asheley Needleman
Michael Neidorf and Rebecca Neidorf
New England Foundation for the Arts
Ernest Nichols
David Nicholson and Sharon Nicholson
Kali Nikitas and Richard Shelton
Frederik Nilsen
Herbert Nishii and Teri Nishii
Mark Noland
Joe Norton
Julia Ochsner
Alisa Oganesyan
Morgan Ogilvie
Dr. Narumi Okamoto
David Olson
One8 Foundation
Anissa Orozco
Peggy O’Shaughnessy
Peter Otto and Theresa Tunnicliff
Sharon Oxborough
The Palm Trust
Elizabeth Pappas and Charles Pappas
Laura Parker and Branislav Kecman
Cris Pastore and Sharon Pastore
Clare Peabody
Nicole Pearce
Quinton Peeples and Patricia Cantillon
Elizabeth Peisner
Maryl Jo Peltzie and Bernard Peltzie
Dennis Perluss
Joseph Peyronnin III and Susan Zirinsky
Mehregan Pezeshki
Eric Pierce
Dr. Simon Piller and Carole Piller
Todd Pimentel
Henry Pisnieski
United Plankton Charitable Trust
Seth Polen
Braden Pontoli
Lauralee Pope
Timothy Popejoy
The Posse Foundation
Brenda R. Potter
Joseph Potts
Gussie Powe
Michael Pressman and Maia Danziger
Travis Preston and Marissa Chibas-Preston
Theodora Primes and Robert Primes
Caroline Prioleau
Dr. Samuel Prum and Leslye Prum
Kelly Quinn and John Cunningham
Lew Rakowsky and Lynn Rakowsky
Maria Ramos
Jeffrey Ranjo and Mary Claire Scanlon
Alan Rapoport and Tess Chappuis
Dr. Charles Reames and Deborah Reames
Julianne Reames
Mary Beth Reed
Eric Reid and Louise Stevenson
Liang Ren and Heyun Huang
Robina Riccitiello
Rough Draft Studios
Tim Rich
Richard & Jean Coyne Family Foundation
Nancy Richardson
Anita B. and Howard S. Richmond Foundation, Inc.
Elizabeth Richmond-Schulman and Nelson Schulman
Jonathan Richter and Elise Richter
Keith Rivers
Leola Robinson-Barner
Ryan Rockmore and Aaron Mason
The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation
Lynn Rosenfeld and Edward Rosenfeld
Felicia Rosenfeld and David Linde
Dr. Nancy Roth
Thomas Rothman and Jessica Harper
David Rousseve
Malia Rudoi and David Rudoi
James Ruscica and Lisa Ruscica
Kim Russo and Amber Katherine
Thomas Safran
Aaron Sanchez
John Sanders and Carol Sanders
Louise Sandhaus
Samuel Sandoval and Margaret Sandoval
Robert Santos
Barbara Sattler and Alfred Sattler
Daniel Savell and Abigail Savell
David Schamus
Simone Schaner
Esther Schor
Samuel Schwartz and Shanit Schwartz
John Schwerbel
Josh Selzer
The Sharon D. Lund Foundation
Diane Shaw
Timothy Shea and Cheryl Shea
Abby Sher
Yukiko Shimazaki
Kensaku Shinohara
Nikita Shokhov
Helen Shreves
The Shubert Foundation, Inc.
Fahad Siadat and Cynthia Siadat
Karen Silton
Sitka Home Art Gallery
Six Point Harness, Inc.
Leah Sklar
Michael Skloff and Cynthia Keener
Skydance Media, LLC
Jeff Slayton
Anne Smith and Brien Smith
Barbara Smith
Christopher Smith
Wesley Smith and Lisa Smith
William Smith and Jessica Smith
Rudyard Smith Family Foundation
Dr. Rudyard Smith and Maria Smith
James Snodgrass and Pamela Snodgrass
Donald Snowden
Joshua Sobel
Madeline Soglin
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Catharine Soros and Jeffrey Soros
Thomas Souza
Christopher Spears
Clark Spencer
James Sperber and Corey Hajim
Robert Stadd and Rachel Hobreigh
J.D. Stahl and Darsi St. Louis
Nathan Stanton
Wendy Stark Morrissey
Cammie Staros
Thaddeus Stauber and Tracy O’Brien
Sally Stein
Susan Steinhauser Esq.
Dr. James Sterling and Shenda Baker
Dr. Loraine Stern
Julie Stern
Mary Stevens
Sean Steward M.D.
Ronald Stewart and Erma Stewart
Dale Stieber and Theodore Levy
Carl Stine and Martha Stine
James Stoecker and Sandra Stoecker
Denise Palm Stones and Thomas Stones III
Eric Strand
Theresa Strempek and Peter McMillan
Gwen Strong
Strypemonde Foundation
Harry Summers and Sandy Summers
Ron Summers and Young Summers
Stephen Sutor
The Suzanne Nora Johnson & David G. Johnson Foundation
Paul Sweeney Jr. and Joann Deutch
Steve Swift
Bryan Sykora
Rajeev Talwani and Carolyn McKnight
Erica Tanov and Steven Emerson
Tony Taylor
Ann Telnaes
Katherine Tessier
Joseph Thomas
Sharon Thomas
Gary Thompson and Richard Perez
Stephanie Thompson and Geordie Thompson
Titmouse, Inc.
Hideaki Tokunaga and Carrie Tokunaga
Narumi Tokunaga and Hoei Tokunaga
Dr. Josef Tracy
Tom Treffner
Jerome Treiman and Nina Treiman
Siciliana Trevino
The Truman Capote Literary Trust
Stanley Tusan and Barbara Tusan
Alexandra Tzetzo Morphis
U.S. Small Business Administration
Doug Upshaw
Dr. Nancy Uscher and William Barrett
Lauren Valencia
Joseph VandenBussche and Rene Guerrero
Jack Vees and Dr. Elizabeth Van Cleve
Stephanie Verschoor
Viacom Inc.
Victoria Villa
B. R. Vitt
James Wade
Dameon Waggoner
Cory Waid
Paul Walker and Susan Walker
James Walley and Dominique Ferate
Susan Walsh
James Walters and Cheryl Walters
Duoyi Wang
Li Yuan Wang
Xiaoqing Wang
Warner Bros Animation
Aria Warrick
Patrice Washburne
Ronald Weber and Kathleen Weber
Ralph Wehby and Barbara Wehby
Steven Weir and Debra Weir
Francesca Weisberg and Neil Weisberg
Judith Weiss
Luanne Wells
Wells Family Charitable Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Robert Wemischner and Dr. Leslie Raffel
David Wendt and Carrie Wendt
Laurie Wenzel
Tlamelo Wenzel
Katrina Werner and Jason Tokunaga
Judith Wesley
William Whalen and Kathy Whalen
Karl Whisenton and Natalie Whisenton
Sally White
Christian Whittemore
Dr. Paul Wieselmann
Lorraine Wild and John Kaliski
Jean Wilkinson
Gwendolyn Williams
Stefani Williams
Jimmie Wilson
Paul Wilson and Sydney Perlow
Maud Winchester and Lucas Reiner
Marcus Witte
Sang Won Kim
Tai-Ling Wong
Walt Wood and Jean Wood
Ximón Wood
Christopher Woods
Maria Wortham
Bill Wray and Kim Wray
Vertia Wright and T.G. Wright
Chandra Wu and Jesse Roberts
Gavin Wynn
Edmond Yee and Cathy Yee
Jihyun Yi
Alice Yom
Amy Young
Janice Zimmerman